Monday, March 12, 2012

Yes, but do they have a secret plan to fight inflation?

Yes, but do they have a secret plan to fight inflation?: "It's been nearly 6 years since the series finale of The West Wing, and more than 12 since the one-hour drama, which [Aaron] Sorkin created and largely wrote, first walked and talked its way through NBC's Wednesday-night lineup; and yet you might think the series never ended, given the currency it still seems to enjoy in Washington, the frequency with which it comes up in D.C. conversations and is quoted or referenced on political blogs. In part this is because the smart, nerdy—they might prefer "precocious"—kids who grew up in the early part of the last decade worshipping the cool, technocratic charm of Sorkin's characters have today matured into the young policy prodigies and press operatives who advise, brief, and excuse the behavior of the most powerful people in the country."

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